Advantages and Disadvantages of Suppositories/Pessaries or rectal/vaginal route of drug administration…
- Over Oral Drug Administration:
- Avoid first pass metabolism
- Introduce drugs into the body
- Does not cause nausea and vomiting due to gastric irritation in case of oral therapy
- Used before surgery since oral therapy is restricted
- Beneficial for patients suffering from severe vomiting
- Can be administered to unconscious patients
- Can be used as targeted drug delivery system
- – Localized action with reduced systemic distribution
- Get to site of action with lower dose reducing systemic toxicity
- Highly beneficial in haemorrhoids or vaginal infections
- Prolonged drug action achieved
- Over parenteral drug administration:
- Self medication
- No systemic side effects
- No pain or site of action related issues
- Over Vaginal Tablets:
- Suppositories dissolves faster
- Total bioavailability achieved
- No residue remains like tablet
- No need of applicator
- Non staining
- Non itching
- Mucosal irritation
- Patient compliance
- Erratic and undesired absorption
- – Placement too high into rectum may lead to first pass metabolism
- – Installation may trigger defecation reaction
- GI state affects absorption:
- – Diarrhea& disease states affect absorption