Frequently Asked Questions

+ - Where are the shares of Bliss GVS listed?

Bliss GVS is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (506197) & National Stock Exchange (BLISSGVS)

+ - When did Bliss GVS go public?

Bliss Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals India Ltd. was incorporated as a public limited company on 11 Dec, 1984. It was merged with GVS Labs with effect from 1 April, 2006 to form Bliss GVS Pharma Ltd

+ - What is the number of outstanding shares for Bliss GVS and what proportion is owned by the promoter group?

Please refer to Shareholder Pattern by clicking here

+ - How do I buy Bliss GVS stock?

Through an authorized SEBI broker

+ - What is the financial year for Bliss GVS?

01 April to 31 March.

+ - What accounting convention does Bliss GVS follow?

We conform to accounting standards set by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

+ - What is the dividend history of Bliss GVS?

Please refer to Shareholder Pattern by clicking here

+ - What is the stock split history of Bliss GVS?

Please see Share Capital History by clicking here

+ - How can I attend the Annual General Meeting?

Only shareholders of Bliss GVS can attend the AGM. If you are not a shareholder, you can attend the AGM only through a proxy request from an existing shareholder.

+ - Who are Bliss GVS auditors?

B. K. Kahre & Co. Firm Reg. No. 105102W

+ - Who is the Registrar and Transfer agent for Bliss GVS?

21, Shakeel Niwas, Mahakali Caves Road
Andheri (East), Mumbai-400059
Tel: +91 (22) 2820 7203-05 / 2825 7641
Fax: +91 (22) 2820 / 7207

+ - Who do I contact in case of non-receipt of dividend, share certificate or annual report?

Please contact the Registrar and Transfer agent, Universal Capital Securities Pvt. Ltd.